Monday, 26 April 2010

The Progress of The Construction of Holy Epiphany Orthodox Church - Jakarta

Aghia Epiphania Parish and  Pastoral office
18 April 2010
( front side )

Glory to God , It’s our joy after almost 3 years the construction suspended, now  the Church has already been used since 24 December 2009  at Nativity Feast.
We still need the Pastoral Office can be completed soon for the building consists of the Coaster's room, Priest office and living room, class room, library and administration room.  We are currently striving to complete the construction of the Church and the Pastoral Office by opening bazaar such as food beverages, icons, etc. after Divine Liturgy.
Although the result is not much but at least it helps for this time.

May God bless our Diocese the Metropolitanate of Hong Kong and South East Asia, our His Eminence Fr.Nektarios Tsilis with the Orthodox missions, so that we may grow faster and be more fruitful in glorifying His Name. Amen!

Aghia Epiphania Parish
18 April 2010
( front side )

 Pastoral office
18 April 2010
( front side )
Extension room between Parish and Pastoral office
18 April 2010
(front side)

Coster room
18 April 2010
( back side )


Priest office and living room (at the right side )
18 April 2010

Rest Room out side building
18 April 2010

Pastoral office seen from the left side
the exit door seen from this side is class room and library
18 April 2010

God will help us to complete His Church soon by His Hand!

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