Evgeny Aleksandrovich Rodionov lahir di desa satin Russkoye, dekat Podolsk, Oblast Moskwa.
Ketika ia berusia 11 tahun, neneknya memberinya sebuah salib kecil yang menggantung pada sebuah kalung. Evgeny kecil ingin membawanya ke sekolah untuk menunjukkan kepada teman-temannya, tetapi ibunya melarangnya, karena pemerintah komunis Soviet pada saat itu mengawasi dan memantau kebiasaan siswa si sekolah.
Beberapa tahun kemudian tekad untuk Evgeny menjadi seorang Kristen terlepas dari apa yang dikhawatirkan keluarganya yang Atheis, ia pun akhirnya dibaptis.
Pada tahun 1995 ia pergi untuk melayani di Angkatan Bersenjata Federasi Rusia. Seperti banyak anak muda seusianya dia di,tempatkan pada barisan depan di Chechnya.
Evgeny ditawan gereliyawan Cheshnya bersama dengan rekan-rekannya dan menjadi sasaran penyiksaan mengerikan selama tiga bulan. Pada ulang tahun ke-19 tanggal 23 Mei 1996 yang juga bertepatan dengan hari Kenaikan Yesus Kristus, Evgeny menghadapi pilihan antara hidup dan mati, gerelyawan Cheshnya memerintahkan ia untuk meninggalkan iman Kristen Ortodoks, dan memeluk Islam, sebagai balasannya ia akan menyelamatkan hidupnya.
Evgeny menolak tapi tetap teguh dalam iman di dalam Kristus. Ia melawan tidak merelakan kalung salib yang dikenakannya dicabut oleh gerelyawan Cheshnya itu. Kemudian gerelyawan Cheshnya itu menarik pisau tajam dan memotong lehernya seperti domba, diiris akhirnya kepala.
Iman Evgeny telah membawa banyak orang Rusia kembali kepada Kristus termasuk keluarganya.
Lubov Rodionova,
ibu Evgeny
Berikut adalah beberapa testimonial mengenai kehidupan dan kesyahidan Evgeny, termasuk dari ibunya, Lubov Rodionova.
“Evgeny lahir 30 menit setelah tengah malam, 23 Mei 1977. Dia adalah seorang bayi yang sehat dan baik, berat tubuhnya 3.900 gram. Saya begitu lega ketika mendengar tangisan pertamanya. Seolah-olah ia sedang berusaha mengatakan: “Aku datang ke dunia ini, cintailah aku.”
Saya menatap jendela tanpa sengaja. Hari sudah gelap, dan tiba-tiba aku melihat bintang jatuh. Aku mendadak pucat, hati saya berubah menjadi sedikit dingin. Para dokter mencoba untuk meyakinkan saya bahwa itu adalah pertanda baik. Saya diberitahu bahwa bintang jatuh adalah tanda kehidupan yang baik untuk anak saya. Namun, saya harus hidup dengan rasa kecemasan yang ternyata datang ketika ia berumur tepat 19 tahun. “
Evgeny Rodionov ditangkap dan ditawan oleh gerelyawan Cheshnya bersama tiga tentara lainnya pada malam 14 Februari, tidak jauh dari Galashki Chechnya. Para pemuda itu datang dari kawasan Kaliningrad. Mereka berpatroli di perbatasan antara republik Chechnya dan Ingushetia dan bertugas menjaga jalur pengangkutan senjata, amunisi, tahanan, obat-obatan dan sebagainya. Lokasi ini terpencil tanpa alat komunikasi bahkan tidak ada kekuatan militer disana.
Lebih dari sepuluh orang Chechnya bersenjata keluar dari kendaraan dan menangkap mereka termasuk Evgeny. Tidak ada kesulitan bagi gerelyawan itu untuk berurusan dengan tentara muda yang belum berpengalaman.
Gerelyawan Chechnya yang membunuh Evgeny Rodionov 23 Mei 1996 di Bamut Chechnya salah satunya adalah Ruslan Khaikhoroyev.. Lubov Rodionova mencari keberadaan Evgeny dan akhirnya ia menemukan seorang gerelyawan Chechnya yang setuju menunjukan tempat di mana Evgeny dibunuh. Ia harus membayar uang dalam jumlah besar besar untuk ini. Bandit ini mengaku bahwa ia melakukannya. “Putra Anda punya pilihan untuk tetap hidup. Dia bisa memeluk Islam, tetapi ia melawan tidak mau melepaskan kalung salibnya., “kata Khaikhoroyev .
Ayah Evgeny meninggal lima hari setelah pemakaman anaknya. Dia tidak tahan kehilangan anaknya.
Metropolitan Dmitry Uskup Agung Smirnov dari Patriarkat Moskow, mengatakan bahwa Evgeny Rodionov akan segera dikanonisasi. Proses kanonisasi Evgeny martir baru tampaknya akan segera selesai, dan diharapkan bahwa ratifikasi dari Gereja Ortodoks Rusia secara resmi dikanonisasi sebagai orang kudus .
Banyak keajaiban yang terjadi selama proses pencarian jasad Evgeny sampai pada saat prosesi pemakamannya yang disaksikan oleh banyak orang diantaranya adalah bau harum dan minyak yang keluar dari ikon arak-arakan Evgeny .
Sebuah Gereja dalam nama Evgeny sedang dibangun di Hankala dekat Groziniy.
“ Pemerintahan Rusia mengumumkan tindakan heroik Evgeny Rodionov seorang tentara berusia 19 tahun. Ia telah menjadi tawanan gerelyawan Cheshnya pada tahun 1996. Dia tidak mengkhianati negaranya maupun menyangkal imannya. Ia menolak melepaskan kalung salibnya, bahkan di saat paling sulit dalam penyiksaan yang mengerikan. Evgeny diberi tanda jasa Orde Keberanian .”
“Banyak orang datang untuk mengunjungi makam Evgeny bahkan dari daerah yang paling terpencil di Rusia. Ibunya, Lubov Rodionova, mengatakan bahwa sikap orang mengubah seluruh kesadaran hidup. Seorang veteran Perang Dunia II, datang mengunjungi makam Evgeny. Ia menaruh Medali Keberanian miliknya di atas batu nisan Evgeny.”
Biografi Evgeny Rodionov diterbitkan dalam sebuah buku yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2002 berjudul “Martir Baru Kristus, prajurit Evgeny” yang ditulis oleh imam Alexander Shargunov.
“Martir Kudus St. Evgeny, berdoalah kepada Allah untuk kami!” "Svjati Muchenik Yevgeny, moli Boga o nas!"
‘Briefcase’ of Hieromartyr St. Evgeny Rodionov
·The neo-martyr Evgeny Rodionov was a soldier in the first war of Chechnya under the accursed Yeltsin.
·He was captured by Chechnyan guerillas, tortured, slaughtered like a lamb and beheaded when he refused to become muslim and fight Russia, as the executioner himself told his mother.
·He was beheaded in 1996 the day of his 19th birthday. Even though he was not brought up in a pious surrounding he would never be separated from the small cross that was given him by his grandma on his 11th birthday.
·From this small cross his mother recognized his body that was lying in a mass grave with three other fellow soldiers.
·For his brave refusal to be separated from that cross and deny his faith in the Crucified, he was slaughtered like a lamb on 10/23 May 1996.
·His severed head was buried by his islamic guerillas in another place.
·His tragic mother started searching alone to find her son, as soon as she learned that he was prisoner in mid February 1996.
·She then mortgaged her house in Moscow to get money, necessary for dealing with the guerillas and started to look for the place where her son was buried.
·From the start of her searching she came in touch with the islamic separatists, she suffered hardships and her life was threatened from untold number of dangers but finally she managed to speak to the same murderer of her son, Ruslan Khaikhoroyev.
·He told her that Evgeny was given a chance to save his life but refused to take off his cross and become muslim and he even tried to escape once.
·His mother refused to believe that her son was not alive, even when she recognized his boots during his disinterment. When however she saw the small cross on his headless body she could not endure and she fainted.
·Finally she managed by paying "ransoms" to allow her to take and transfer the body of Evgeny and of his fellow soldiers to Moscow where the funeral took place.
·The father of Evgeny died five days after the burial of his son.
·In the video also appears his mother, who is known to many parts of the Russian population as "the mother of Evgeny”.
·The rendering of honour to his person increases with time in Russia.
·Already books have been published on his life and martyrdom with the blessing of his beatitude patriarch Alexis II, there is a Church with his name, a service has been written and many icons have been produced, some of them myrrh-bearing ·Warrior Evgeny Rodionov has been locally glorified as venerated Saint of Astrakhan -Enotaevsky Diocese since 2000 and the temple for his martyr and honor is founded in Khankala . The date of local glorification - August 20.
·The Church has not yet included in the "Hagiologion" (Register of Saints) the neo-martyr St.Evgeny the Warrior for it is on progress but it is expected it will not take too long.
Orthodox Churches, Chapels, Schools to visit in Indonesia
St. Kirillos and Methodios Grasak Grasak Rt 02 Rw04 Kismoyoso Ngemplak Boyolali, Central Java Indonesia Parish Priest: Fr. Methodios Sri Gunarjo
St. Katherine Pandeyan Rt 12 Rw 04,Pandeyan Ngempak Boyolali, Central Java 57102 Indonesia Parish Priest: Fr. Methodios Sri Gunarjo
Holy Trinity Church Sumber Tranqkilan Rt 02 Rw 15 Solo Central Java 57100 Indonesia
St. Demetrios Jl. Sinoman VI/20, Mojokerto 61322 East Java, Indonesia Telephone: (+62) 321 328498 Parish Priest: Yohanes B. Wicaksono
St. Katherine JI Serutu a 23/409 Cilacap Central Java Indonesia Telephone: (+62) 274 589881 Parish Priests: Fr. Matthew Budiharjo
Holy Epiphany Jl Meriam Block D/109 Kodam, Kalimalang Jakarta Timur Indonesia Telephone: (+62) 21 9199553, 0818 252242 Parish Priest: Fr. Gabriel Rehatta
St. Dionysios of Zakynthos Kricak Kidul TR I/1225 Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Indonesia Telephone: (+62) 274 589991 Parish Priest: Fr. Lazaros B. Sucanto
Orthodox Community of St. Demetrios Medan Jl Kapiten Purba IV Simalingkar, Medan 20131 North Sumatra Indonesia Telephone: (+62) 8363229 Fax: (+62) 61 8363229 Email: orthodox@medan.wasantara.net.id Parish Priest: Fr. Chrysostomos Manalu
Orthodox Community Bali J1. Dewi Uma No1 Dusun Bangkang RT O4 Bakti SeragaSingaraja, Bali Telephone: (+62) 362 31150 Fax: (+62) 362 21108 Director: Stephanos Boik Nino Fr Stephanos serves in Despansar every first Sunday of the month
St. Savvas of Kalymnos – under construction Gading Rt 12 Rw 03, Driyorejo, Gresik, Gresik, 61177 East Java Indonesia Telephone: (+62 ) 321 328498 Parish Priest: Fr. Yohanes Bambang Wicaksono
St. Evdokia and the Chapel of the Resurrection Jl. Kapiten Purba IV Simalingkar, Medan 20131 North Sumatra Indonesia Telephone: (+62) 61 8363229, (+62) 812 6015121 Fax: (+62) 61 8363229 Email: orthodox@medan.wasantara.net.id. Director: Fr. Chrysostomos Manalu
Chapel of the Resurrection Desa Siparbue Kec PaParmonangan Huta Tinggi Tarurutung North Sumatra Tel/ Fax (+62) 618363229 Parish Priest: Fr. Timotheos Umbarwibowo
Ha Amarim Orthodox Youth Association P.O.Box 148 Solo Central Java 57100 Indonesia Telephone: (+62) 271 24243 Fax: (+62) 271 712114 Advisor: Fr. Mathew Bambang Wahyu Budiharjo
Orthodox Community of St.Demetrios Medan J1 Kapiten Puba IV Simalingkar, Medan 20131 Noth Sumatra Indonesia Tel/Fax +62 61 8363 229 Email: Orthodox@medan.wasantara.net.id Contact: Fr. Chrysostomos Manalu
St. Sophia Orthodox School, Tanjung Anom Established in 1999 Started with Kindergarten, later opened a Primary School(2000) and Junior High School(2002) 167 students in all three schools and 1 staff Formally recognized by Indonesian government and recognized by other Schools in the State
St. Nikitas Orthodox School, Krakatau Medan Established in 2001 with a Kindergarten for 16 students Classes take place in rented local residence Licensed by local government Currently enrolled are 25 Kindergarten and 30 Primary School students Employed are two teachers and one administrator Funds are being sought to build a schoolhouse
Boarding House of St. Demetrios, Medan Provides housing to allow children of poorer families to continue education Fifteen students currently are housed, fifty are projected for the next academic year
Academy of Management and Computers, Medan Established in 2001 under the license of Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia to arrange a 3-4 year computer and management education program 80 students, 15 staff
Orthodox Community, Bali J1. Dewi Uma No1 Dusun Bangkang RT O4 Bakti SeragaSingaraja, Bali Telephone: (+62) 362 31150 Fax: (+62) 362 21108 Contact: Fr. Stephanos Boik Nino
St Thomas Home for Children A project to provide housing for the poor children Food and clothes distribution Contact: Fr. Stephanos Boik Nino
"Orthodoxy is the Church of Christ on earth. The Church of Christ is not an institution; it is a new life with Christ and in Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit. Christ, the Son of God, came to earth, was made man, uniting His divine life with that of humanity. This divine-human life He gave to His brethren, who believe on His name. Although He died and rose again and ascended into heaven, He was not separated from His humanity, but remains in it. The light of the resurrection of Christ lights the Church, and the joy of resurrection, of the triumph over death, fills it. The risen Lord lives with us and our life in the Church is a mysterious life in Christ."
Sergius Bulgakov, The Orthodox Church
It is Orthodox but NOT jewish, It is Catholic but NOT roman, It is Evangelist but NOT protestant. It is the Church who founded by Jesus Christ Himself since 33 AD. No need to be changed NOR be reformed because He is the Alpha and The Omega.
Ορθόδοξος Συναξαριστής - The List of Orthodox Saints of the Day
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