Friday 30 April 2010

Agni Parthene

 The sweetness of Angels
Ο ωραιότατος Ύμνος προς την Θεοτόκο,ποίημα του Αγ.Νεκταρίου Αιγίνης και με μελωδία σύμφωνα με την παράδοση φτιαχμένη από Αγγέλους

The most beautiful hymn "Agni Parthene" (O Pure Virgin ) was composed by St. Nectarios of Egina, and according to the Tradition, the melody was composed by angels.

Agni Parthene is a non-liturgical hymn composed in Greek by St. Nectarios of Aegina in the 19th century during his tenure as director of the Rizarios Theological School of Athens. St. Nektarios liked to compose hymns in honor of the Mother of God to deepen his personal prayer and relationship with her. The tradition passed down at the monastery of St. Nektarios, in Aegina, Greece, is that the Lady herself appeared before him and requested that he record on paper a particular hymn the angelic choirs were about to sing. This hymn was the "Agni Parthene". The original script can still be viewed on his prayer table in his bedroom at this monastery.

The original melody to this hymn was composed by an Athonite hymnographer who is said to also have had a vision of the Virgin Mary prior to composing the work. The recording of this melody by the Monks of Simonopetra has contributed significantly to the porization of the hymn.

Due to its pority, the hymn has been translated into many langauges and the original melody has been adapted to suit the particular style of church chanting. One such variation is the Valaam Monastery chant of the Russian translation.

The hymn of the Pure Virgin is part of A Small Theotokarion (Athens, 1905) a book of Hymns to the Mother of God, written by St. Nektarios.

This hymn has been used during communion in the Liturgy and it is sometimes chanted at the beginning of Vespers

Agni Parthene in Greek:
Agni Parthene - Divna Ljubojevic.mp3
Agni Parthene - monk choir.mp3

Agni Parthene in Serbian ( Cista Djevo ):
Agni Parthene - Cista Djevo ( Serbian).mp3

Agni Pathene in Arabic ( عذراء يا أم الإله ):
Agni Parthene - 3adra3_ya_uma_elah (arabic).mp3

Agni Parthene in English ( Rejoice O Bride ):

O Virgin Pure
by St. Nectarios
Plagal First Tone (Tone 5)
Refrain: Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded!
O Virgin pure, immaculate/ O Lady Theotokos
O Virgin Mother, Queen of all/ and fleece which is all dewy
More radiant than the rays of sun/ and higher than the heavens
Delight of virgin choruses/ superior to Angels.
Much brighter than the firmament/ and purer than the sun's light
More holy than the multitude/ of all the heav'nly armies.
Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded!
O Ever Virgin Mary/ of all the world, the Lady
O bride all pure, immaculate/ O Lady Panagia
O Mary bride and Queen of all/ our cause of jubilation
Majestic maiden, Queen of all/ O our most holy Mother
More hon'rable than Cherubim/ beyond compare more glorious
than immaterial Seraphim/ and greater than angelic thrones.
Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded!
Rejoice, O song of Cherubim/ Rejoice, O hymn of angels
Rejoice, O ode of Seraphim/ the joy of the archangels
Rejoice, O peace and happiness/ the harbor of salvation
O sacred chamber of the Word/ flow'r of incorruption
Rejoice, delightful paradise/ of blessed life eternal
Rejoice, O wood and tree of life/ the fount of immortality.
Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded!
I supplicate you, Lady/ now do I call upon you
And I beseech you, Queen of all/ I beg of you your favor
Majestic maiden, spotless one/ O Lady Panagia
I call upon you fervently/ O sacred, hallowed temple
Assist me and deliver me/ protect me from the enemy
And make me an inheritor/ of blessed life eternal.
Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded!
(Source and translation: Holy Nativity Convent, Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) 

Αγνή Παρθένε
Αγνή Παρθένε Δέσποινα, Άχραντε Θεοτόκε,
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Παρθένε Μήτηρ Άνασσα, Πανένδροσέ τε πόκε.
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Υψηλοτέρα Ουρανών, ακτίνων λαμπροτέρα
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Χαρά παρθενικών χορών, αγγέλων υπερτέρα,
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Εκλαμπροτέρα ουρανών φωτός καθαροτέρα,
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Των Ουρανίων στρατιών πασών αγιωτέρα
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Μαρία Αειπάρθενε κόσμου παντός Κυρία
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Άχραντε Νύμφη Πάναγνε Δέσποινα Παναγία,
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Μαρία Νύμφη Άνασσα, χαράς ημών αιτία.
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Κορή σεμνή Βασίλισσα, Μήτηρ υπεραγία,
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Τιμιώτερα Χερουβείμ υπερενδοξοτέρα
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Των ασωμάτων Σεραφείμ των Θρόνων υπερτέρα,
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Χαίρε το άσμα Χερουβείμ χαίρε ύμνος Αγγέλων
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Χαίρε ωδή των Σεραφείμ Χαρά των Αρχαγγέλων
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Χαίρε ειρήνη και χαρά λιμήν της σωτηρίας
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Παστάς του Λόγου ιερά άνθος της αφθαρσίας
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Χαίρε Παράδεισε τρυφής, ζωής τε αιωνίας,
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Χαίρε το ξύλον της ζωής, πηγή αθανασίας,
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Σε ικετεύω Δέσποινα, Σε, νυν, επικαλούμαι,
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Σε δυσωπώ Παντάνασσα, Σην χάριν εξαιτούμαι.
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Κορή σεμνή και άσπιλε, Δεσποίνα Παναγία
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Θερμώς επικαλούμαι Σε, Ναέ ηγιασμένε,
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Αντιλαβού μου, ρύσαι με, από τού πολεμίου,
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.
Και κλήρονομον δείξον με, ζωής της αιωνίου,
Χαίρε Νύμφη Ανύμφευτε.

اء يا أم الإله
عذراءُ يا ام الاله ياطاهره نقيه
صلي الى ابنك الاله وحنني علي
لا تهمليني في الحياه ان اغرق في الخطيه
بل ادركيني بالنجاه وتحنني على
يا ام رب الكائنات والطغمات السماويه

يا بهجة كل الرهبان والانفس الطهريه
سيدة كل العالم دائمة البتوليه
يا كلية التقديس تحقيق البتوليه
يا ارفع من الاملاك ومن البشريه
تسبيح كل الشاربيم ومدحة ملكيه

ويا نشيد السارفيم الارواح الكليه
ورؤساء الملائكه الاجناد العلويه
انت البتول الملكه والجزه النديه
زهرة عدم الفساد وخدر البتوليه

انت الميناء للخلاص وفرح البشريه
الارفع من السماء الامعه البهيه
افرحي يا نهر النعيم والزهرة الابديه
ينبوع عدم القناء وعود الحيويه
اجثو لديك ضارعًا يا هيكل القدسيه

نجيني يا عذراء من الشروريَ الرديئه
صوت تضرعي اسمعي من نفسيه الشقيه
تقبلي مني النشيد واللحن ذا الشجي
الح في التضرع فاقبليني نجيا
واهديني من بعد الممات حياة ابديه

Monday 26 April 2010

The Progress of The Construction of Holy Epiphany Orthodox Church - Jakarta

Aghia Epiphania Parish and  Pastoral office
18 April 2010
( front side )

Glory to God , It’s our joy after almost 3 years the construction suspended, now  the Church has already been used since 24 December 2009  at Nativity Feast.
We still need the Pastoral Office can be completed soon for the building consists of the Coaster's room, Priest office and living room, class room, library and administration room.  We are currently striving to complete the construction of the Church and the Pastoral Office by opening bazaar such as food beverages, icons, etc. after Divine Liturgy.
Although the result is not much but at least it helps for this time.

May God bless our Diocese the Metropolitanate of Hong Kong and South East Asia, our His Eminence Fr.Nektarios Tsilis with the Orthodox missions, so that we may grow faster and be more fruitful in glorifying His Name. Amen!

Aghia Epiphania Parish
18 April 2010
( front side )

 Pastoral office
18 April 2010
( front side )
Extension room between Parish and Pastoral office
18 April 2010
(front side)

Coster room
18 April 2010
( back side )


Priest office and living room (at the right side )
18 April 2010

Rest Room out side building
18 April 2010

Pastoral office seen from the left side
the exit door seen from this side is class room and library
18 April 2010

God will help us to complete His Church soon by His Hand!

Panagia - home gathering of Aghia Epiphania Parish Jakarta

We used to come together in the one of parishioner's home alternately every month after liturgy.
This time we held it in Mr. Yudiro's home.
It's a nice house and looks like designed as a living home with the environmental friendly. I mean that it has good air circulation with a large door so even though it was very hot outside but inside was very fresh even without using air-conditioning.

I love the layout of the kitchen of this house! Usually it is located back of the house but it's at the right side, and there is a window above the sink with views to outside.
I really like it!

We really had good time, having lunch, praying, discussing, and the most interesting thing is…. we had time to listen catechism from Fr. Gabriel!

Mona, Sarah, baby Ruth, Chacha, Immanuel

 chit chat in the guestroom before starting

 Q&A with Fr. Gabriel

 a 'time-capsule' for Mr.&Mrs.Marten from Fr. Gabriel

Chacha and baby Ruth

  Yahaziel & Tatiana


Baka, zasto ne dozvoliti psu dode u kucu????

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Be grateful! Your life is precious!

When I jump from the top of building....
 saat aku meloncat dari gedung....

I saw the loving couple in 10F is hitting each other
Kulihat pasangan yang kutahu saling mencintai di lantai 10 sedang bertengkar dan saling memukul

I saw the usually tough & strong Peter in 9F is crying
Kulihat Peter yang biasanya kuat dan tabah sedang menangis di lt. 9
In 8F Ah Mei just found out  her fiancee is sleeping with her best friend
Di lt.8 Ah Mei memergoki tunangannya sedang bercinta dengan sahabatnya
7F Da is taking her daily anti-depression medicine
Di lt.7 Dani sedang minum obat anti depresi

6F jobless Heng still buys 7 newspaper to search for a job everyday
Di lt.6 Heng yang pengangguran terus membeli 7 koran untuk mencari lowongan kerja tiap hari

Much respected Mr.Wong in 5F is trying his wife's undergarment
di lt. 5 Mr. Wong yang sangat dihormati publik sedang mencoba baju dalam istrinya

4F Rose again fighting with the boyfriend
di lt.4 Rose sedang bertengkar hebat dengan pacarnya
Old man in 3F everyday hoping someone would come by and pay him a visit
Di lt. 3 pak tua sedang mengharapkan seseorang datang mengunjunginya
2F Lily still staring at the picture of her lost husband since half year ago
Di lt.2 Lily sedang memandangi foto suaminya yang sudah meninggal 6 bulan lalu

Before I jumped off from the building, I thought I was the most unlucky person
Sebelum aku melompat dari gedung, kupikir aku orang yang paling malang
Now I just realized everyone has their own problems and worries
Sekarang aku sadar bahwa setiap orang punya masalah dan kekuatirannya sendiri

After I had seen all these, I found out, in fact I wasn't that bad at all
Setelah kulihat semuanya itu, aku tersadar bahwa ternyata keadaanku sebenarnya tidak begitu buruk 

The people that I saw just now is looking at me now  
Semua orang yang kulihat tadi sekarang sedang melihat aku...

I think after they see me know, they might feel that they are not that bad after all
Kurasa setelah mereka melihatku sekarang, mungkin mereka merasa bahwa situasi mereka sama sekali tidak buruk.

" Be grateful for whoever you are....because if you compare it to others, you'll be surprised of their secret life "
"Bersyukurlah atas dirimu apa adanya... karena bila kamu membandingkan dengan orang lain, kamu akan terkejut dengan rahasia hidup mereka"

"Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul, And fills the hungry soul with goodness." 
Psalm 107:8-9

"Praise the LORD! Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Who can utter the mighty acts of the LORD? Who can declare all His praise?"   
Psalm 106:1-2

"I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving."  
Psalm 69:30

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."  
Psalm 100:4