Presvjatej Bogorodicje pomolimsja
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Presveta Bogorodice spasi nas-Divna Ljubojevic.mp3…
Glory to God for everything!!!
"Orthodoxy is the Church of Christ on earth. The Church of Christ is not an institution; it is a new life with Christ and in Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit. Christ, the Son of God, came to earth, was made man, uniting His divine life with that of humanity. This divine-human life He gave to His brethren, who believe on His name. Although He died and rose again and ascended into heaven, He was not separated from His humanity, but remains in it. The light of the resurrection of Christ lights the Church, and the joy of resurrection, of the triumph over death, fills it. The risen Lord lives with us and our life in the Church is a mysterious life in Christ."
Sergius Bulgakov, The Orthodox Church
It is Orthodox but NOT jewish, It is Catholic but NOT roman, It is Evangelist but NOT protestant. It is the Church who founded by Jesus Christ Himself since 33 AD.
No need to be changed NOR be reformed because He is the Alpha and The Omega.
I'm still looking for the full version of the lyric.
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Spasi (spasi ot bjet tvoje ) rabi tvoji bogorodice
Jako si pomozje tjebje probjegajem
Jako njerusimje stjenje I predstatjelstvo
Presvjatej Bogorodici pomolim sja
Presvjataja bogorodice spasi bogorodice spasi nas.
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Priszri blgoserdiejem, fsepjataja Bogorodice
na moje ljutoje tjeljese ozlobljenieje,
i istseliu dusi mojeja boljeznj
Presvjatej Bogorodici pomolim sja
Presveta bogorodice spasi spasi nas.
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